How To Properly Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Published July 27, 2015 by shepic83


How to Properly Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Cleaning makeup brushes is a time consuming, annoying process, and as a result is often neglected even though it is essential for hygienic purposes, as well as maintaining the integrity of your brushes.
Not surprisingly, a study at Loyola Marymount University found that there were significant amounts of bacterial activity on unwashed makeup brushes after just one week, and after two weeks, the bacteria had doubled.
Using bacteria-ridden brushes on your skin can cause acne and may even result in more serious problems, such as eye and skin infections. To make matters even worse, contaminated brushes can also transfer these unwanted germs into whichever products you are dipping them into.
Additionally, brushes that come into contact with cream or liquid products are even bigger breeding grounds for bacteria, as they thrive in moist conditions.

How to Properly Clean Your Brushes:

Put a squirt of a mild facial cleanser or shampoo onto your hand and swirl the brush around in it, letting water lightly run over your hand from the faucet. (Try your best to keep the handle of your brush dry to prevent the glue that holds it together from breaking down.) It is recommended to clean your brushes at least once per week.

How to Properly Dry Your Brushes:

It is best to clean your brushes at night, because it takes about 6-8 hours for them to dry completely. Lay your freshly cleansed brushes on a paper towel (which absorbs moisture better and faster than on a cotton or terry cloth towel). It is also very important to let your brushes dry flat, because it allows them to better maintain their shape.
It can be tempting to use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process, but this should be avoided, as the direct heat can melt the glue used to hold your brushes together. This can result in the shedding of your brush hairs, or even worse, make your brushes completely unusable.

In Between Cleanings:

Sometimes it is necessary to clean your brushes in between your regularly weekly cleansing process, especially if you are switching between highly pigmented colors (for a smokey eye application, etc). In this case, a store-bought daily brush cleaner spray can be useful. I would highly recommend Elf’s Daily Brush Cleaner ($3 at Target).


To use, simply spray brush several times after use, then wipe off on a clean towel or cloth to remove makeup. Allow to fully dry before next use.

Tell me, How do you clean YOUR brushes and how often?

6 comments on “How To Properly Clean Your Makeup Brushes

  • I use clean my brushes every 2-3 weeks. I know your supposed to do it more often but it usually just slips my mind! Do you know of a natural product I could use to clean my makeup brushes daily?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kate! Thanks for commenting ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for also bringing it to my attention that I probably should have included a natural alternative for brush cleaning!
      I have a few friends who are very into essential oils (particularly those by Young Living, which are amazing, by the way!) and they clean their brushes with a combination of lavender and tea tree oil (5-6 drops of each), combined with 2 oz of water. Put mixture in a spray bottle preferably, and use the same way you would with the Elf daily cleaner…spritz 3-4 times, then wipe excess with a towel.
      I’ve also heard that some use white distiller vinegar to clean theirs, but since I can’t stand the smell, I would opt for the oils, myself! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope this helps! If you end up trying it, let me me know how it works! My friends swear by it ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much! I definitely want to try out some natural alternatives. If I come across one I like, I’ll let you know. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  • Im terrible at this. Honestly. Hahaha.
    I make up wipe them everyday because I like them to look neat and then do a quick clean once a week and a thorough deep clean once a month.
    I found your post so interesting and thanks so much for sharing it!
    Im posting about my entire brush collection tomorrow 9am UK team and I’m so excited about it, if your around and feel like checking it out that would be ace! xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Holly!! Thank you for your comment/feedback!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so glad you enjoyed the post!! It sounds like you actually don’t do too badly of job With your brushes…and trust me- until I went to school and learned about all of the bacteria, I was lucky if I cleaned mine once every few months! Gross I know…
      I will certainly check out your post tomorrow! Thanks for letting me know ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Aww thanks! It always feels not enough!
        The bacteria sure is gross. I remember my gran telling me about it when I first got into make up and thinking eurghh so it’s made me sort of paranoid!
        My posts up by the way x x x

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